Winter Thaw - Photo Spirit Reading
I haven't done a Photo Spirit Reading in a very long time, so as we're slowly thawing from this harsh winter I thought it might be fun to do one! If you've never done one before this is how it works. Take a DEEP BREATH and RELAX. Look at all 4 photos in the grid below and choose the number of the photo that you are most drawn to or that really stands out to you. This MAY NOT be the prettiest photo, but it should be the photo that really seems to be speaking to you. Then look for the number below that corresponds with your photo for the message. Here is the MESSAGE that I will be revealing for you...
What STRENGTHS did you build through this WINTER
and WHAT should be your FOCUS as we move into the Spring Months.
Please let me know if the response you received resonates with you!
Super Big Hugs!

This winter, you have built the strength of inner resilience and quiet trust—learning to find contentment even when the world outside seemed still, frozen, or uncertain. Like the trees coated in ice, you stood firm, conserving energy, allowing transformation to happen beneath the surface. Even in moments of doubt, you cultivated patience, knowing that the thaw would come in its own time. Now, as the seasons shift, your focus should be on awakening to new opportunities and embracing the fulfillment that is already beginning to take shape. The light breaking through the clouds reminds you that even after long periods of waiting, clarity and warmth return. This is your moment to allow your dreams to flow again, to trust the stirrings of your heart, and to step forward with confidence. The seeds you planted in your quiet season are ready to grow—embrace them fully.
If you're interested in scheduling a full Spirit Reading please CLICK HERE.
This winter, you cultivated the strength of deep inner alchemy, transmuting old energies and allowing your true essence to shine. Like the hidden colors of light that form a rainbow, parts of you that once were unseen have now come into alignment, revealing the full spectrum of who you are. The transformation you have undergone is not just an internal shift—it is an awakening, a realization that what exists within you is now ready to be expressed outwardly. Spirit has been reflecting back to you the beauty of your becoming, confirming that the changes you have embraced are divinely guided. As spring approaches, your focus should be on bringing this transformation into form, stepping fully into the light of your truth, and allowing your radiance to be seen. Just as the rainbow appears when light meets the right conditions, your path forward is one of clarity, openness, and trust. Spirit is showing you that you are the bridge between what was and what will be—a living reflection of the DIVINE unfolding in perfect harmony.
If you're interested in scheduling a full Spirit Reading please CLICK HERE.

This winter, you built the strength of stillness, introspection, and deep restoration, learning that true growth does not always happen in motion but in the sacred pause between moments. Like the frozen waterfall, you allowed yourself to slow down, to conserve energy, and to retreat into the depths of your inner world. This time of hibernation was not stagnation; it was a necessary phase of renewal, allowing your Spirit to gather strength for what is to come. As the ice begins to thaw and the season shifts, your focus should be on emerging with intention, integrating the clarity and renewal you’ve gained into your daily life. There is no need to rush—just as the water will flow again when the time is right, so too will your energy, your vision, and your path forward. Trust the rhythm of your own awakening, and allow yourself to move forward in harmony with the cycles of your Spirit.
If you're interested in scheduling a full Spirit Reading please CLICK HERE.

This winter, you strengthened your inner sight, refining your ability to perceive beyond what is immediately visible. Like the icicles illuminated by the moonlight, your intuition has sharpened, allowing you to see through the layers of illusion and into the depths of truth. The night sky represents the mystery of the unseen, while the icicles symbolize the clarity and precision of your expanding awareness. You have learned to trust the quiet, the pauses, and the spaces between, where Spirit whispers its guidance. As you move into spring, your focus should be on bringing your heightened perception into action, trusting what you sense even when it isn’t yet fully revealed. The moon reminds you that intuition is like light in the darkness; it doesn’t demand full understanding all at once, only the trust to follow where it leads. Let your gifts flow naturally, sharpening them with practice, and allowing your inner knowing to shape the path ahead.
If you're interested in scheduling a full Spirit Reading please CLICK HERE.