Spiritual Wave
Energy Shift Happening: If you're currently feeling any of the following symptoms you MAY be experiencing a reaction to another big...
Emotional Wave
If you’ve been feeling a lot of intense emotions lately hold on. They’re about to pass soon. We had a huge wave of energy move in with...
Faith is NOT trusting that things will always work out the way you think they will, it is SIMPY BELIEVING that even when they don't...
Happy NEW DAY!
I'm going to air a little bit of a pet peeve I've been having recently with some posts I'm seeing about what a terrible year 2020 has...
Finding Your Light
I noticed over the last week several of my Facebook posts had a common theme of reconnecting to your center and finding your light. I've...
Channeled Message
Did a channeling session this morning where I asked my guides further details about this concept I've been sharing about SOURCE ENERGY....
Ruffled Feathers
Boy did I ruffle some feathers the other day when I said there was NO SOURCE of EVIL! People want so desperately for there to be some...
There is NO source of EVIL. There is only WELL-BEING & LIGHT and THAT WHICH BLOCKS IT from flowing. Which most often times is our own...
Energetic Choices
I've had a lot of people asking me about all these influxes of energy we've been receiving. We had another huge wave come in starting...
Another Influx of Alignment Energy
Another major influx of energy. Talked to several people who had a hard time sleeping last night or couldn't sleep at all, myself...