The time may have come for you to move on from a relationship that is no longer serving you in your life. Understand this may not just be a love relationship, but it could be a toxic family member, friend or business partner. You will clearly know who this person is because when you think about them being in your life it does not feel good to you anymore. While this relationship may have been beneficial in the past the person you are now is no longer compatible with their energy. This is not a judgement of who they are, but rather a recognition of the changes you have made in your own life and the new person you have become. If you are in a place of fear about moving on remember that you are always protected, loved and provided for by spirit. Anything you need to move forward in your life will be provided for you. Just trust in Spirit to guide you to the people, places and resources you need to make this change. It's important to note that you should always take messages like this with wise judgement. If you are not truly feeling a need to separate or disconnect in a relationship then this message is not meant for you. Simply choose another photo or wait for another reading.