During a session of Language of Light I was given a vision and a message about a special set of guides that everyone has in their life. These guides are called “Path Keepers”. There is one male and one female and they stand behind you one on each side of your shoulder. Their purpose is to illuminate and guide you forward on your projected path. They do not create the path for you, nor do you have some type of ‘pre-destined’ life pathway, but rather the energy of all your dreams and desires that have been created through this life-time (and ones prior) have set forth an energetic roadway to all you have created for yourself to fulfill these wants, dreams and desires. This is the ‘path’ that these guides are ALWAYS illuminating for you. Unfortunately our own doubts and fears can sometimes cloud this light energetically and can keep that pathway from being as clearly visible as it could be.
I was given a physical mudra that can be done that will help clear that congested energy and allow your pathway to be fully illuminated once again. It seems like a very simple process, but everyone that I’ve had practice this mudra is blown away by the physical and energetic sensation they feel as they are clearing the energy. The first time I demonstrated the technique during our Language of Light session, both myself and the person who received the message felt an incredible shifting of energy from this simple action. Take your hands and put them into a cupping shape. Then lift them up facing you above the left and right shoulder. Then do a rotating swooping down and up motion like you are clearing the air above your shoulders. Every time I do this I get a huge rush of energy around my solar plexus and up through both of my arms giving me intense chills as the energy is cleared and flows openly. Simple physical gestures like this, yoga postures and even casual hand mudras can offer an intense amount of energetic shift in your vibration that allows for more clarity and movement forward.
This mudra in particular is meant to help clear the PATH-WAYS to your movement forward so that the ILLUMINATION that these PATH-WAY guides are shedding can clearly show you the way to your next best state of being-ness. If you're interested in joining me for a PATH-WAY clearing demonstration and mediation please register below. I will also be utilizing PVHA in order to help you clear and remove any blocks & barriers for you to easily access your projected goals and dreams. This event is DONATION based. Please pay what you can afford and feel free to enter 0$ into the amount if you are so inclined. You will receive access to the the LIVE event OR will receive an email link to the recording which will be available to access for 30 days after the event. REGISTER HERE!